I was at the Falls again this morning and discovered that someone had built a sort of monument.
Jeremiah 31:21 says, "Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take."
Monuments like this remind me of our need to physically mark a spot that holds great meaning for us. Sometimes it is initials carved in a tree, maybe you have buried a time capsule next to a large rock, or maybe it is going back to the home where you were born. These spots, these monuments remind us of a place where we have been on our journey of life. Jeremiah wanted the Israelites to put these along their way so they wouldn't continue wandering aimlessly. So they are pivotal markers that remind us of where we have been and help us to keep going on our way. I haven't been able to go back to my house in Dell Rapids, but it is one of those markers. It has just been a year since I sold the house, had my auction, moved twice, travelled many miles, even to Jamaica, met many people, had powerful experiences, and have learned a whole new world called retirement. But looking back to my house I am reminded that for everything that happened this year, the Lord has been the one making it happen. Often I felt like I was going down this water fall with all its turbulence and then I get to the place where the water is almost calm. The Lord is amazing and he keeps me headed on my journey as I can look back and find that marker.
Does it mean my life less important or meaningful if my miles are many but my markers are few??